Healthcare professional assisting a patient

Step-by-Step Guide to Lifting Patients

Learn the procedures, steps, risks, and requirements for patient lifts. It takes a lot of strength to move patients in and out of their beds. In fact, healthcare occupations hold some of the highest rates of musculoskeletal injuries from overexertion. The greatest risk factor for healthcare professionals is the manual lifting, moving, and repositioning of […]

Nurse performing a tracheostomy on a mannequin

Step-by-Step Guide to Tracheostomy Care

Learn the procedures, steps, risks, and requirements for providing tracheostomy care. Tracheostomies are a potentially life-saving procedure that can be temporary or permanent. A tracheostomy may be performed during an emergency if a person’s airway is blocked. It may also be performed due to a disease, injury, or health condition that restricts the airway. This […]

Stick Like A Pro: Tips For Mastering The Art Of Venipuncture

A Step-by-Step Guide to Venipuncture

What is venipuncture? Learn about the procedures, steps, risks, and requirements for performing venipuncture. Drawing a blood sample or starting an IV isn’t usually the highlight of a medical worker’s day. It’s certainly not one for the patient either, especially if multiple needlesticks or other complications are involved. However, phlebotomy and venipuncture are critically important to patient […]

Nurse sitting in a hallway

6 Most Common Nursing Injuries

Learn How to Treat & Avoid the Most Common Injuries for Nursing Professionals Registered nurses (RNs) play a vital role in healthcare. Not only do they provide patients with care and health services, they may also elevate public health by partnering with health clinics, and delivering educational services, health screenings, and a countless other forms […]

Masked nurse in an emergency room

What Do Nurses Do?

Learn about the most common nursing duties, responsibilities, and procedures Nursing is an honorable profession and an incredibly rewarding career path. Not only do nurses save lives, but they offer compassion and kindness to those that need it most. They are often a source of comfort, safety, and security. If you are passionate about helping […]

Patricia Grace Martinez

Voices from the Frontlines: Patricia Grace Martinez

How one Director of Nursing has been an incredible source of strength during the pandemic As a Director of Nursing in California, Patricia Grace Martinez empowers nurses while improving outcomes for both staff and residents. She provides stable leadership, engages in decision-making, and takes accountability for their practice. Some of Patricia Grace’s biggest challenges revolve […]